From Thursday 02 to Sunday 05 February, the 2023 French Badminton Championships took place in Cesson-Sévigné, France. During 4 days, 160 French players faced each other during 155 matches in the Glaz ARENA hall.
A 100% French championship where we had the opportunity to see again our famous international players like the POPOV brothers, Toma and Christo, or the mixed duo GICQUEL/DELRUE but also other players who have played in our different editions of the Orléans Masters.
The names of those qualified for the main draw and those who have played at the Orléans Masters: Sylvain TERNON (Orléans International 2015) in men's singles, Marie CESARI (Orléans Masters 2021) in women's singles, men's doubles Thomas VALLEZ/Grégor DUNIKOWSKI (Orléans International 2016), women's doubles Laeticia JAFFRENOU (Orléans Masters 2021) with Tanina MAMMERI and finally mixed doubles Samy CORVEE (Orléans Masters 2019, 2021, 2022) and Flavie VALLET (Orléans Masters 2021, 2022), just to name a few.
This championship thrilled the Glaz ARENA hall and its spectators on numerous occasions, who stayed until the end to discover the final table with the winners in :
◾ Men's Singles : Toma Junior POPOV, winner of our 2022 edition, finally manages to dethrone his brother Christo and precedes him by winning his first victory for this championship, not without difficulty in 2 sets to 1 against his brother (19-21/21-14/21-19).
◾ Women's Singles : Xue Fei QI wins for the third time this championship in her category, a final match in 2 sets that she wins hands down against Rosy PANCASARI (21-06/21-07).
◾ Men's Doubles : Julien MAIO and William VILLEGER won for the first time this championship together in 2 sets against the POPOV brothers, holders of the 2022 title (21-14/21-16).
◾ Women's Doubles : a new consecutive victory for the women's duo Anne TRAN/Margot LAMBERT who won their category with 2 sets to 1 (21-18/17-21/21-15) against Delphine DELRUE/Vimala HERIAU.
◾ Finally, in Mixed Doubles : no surprise, a fifth victory for Thom GICQUEL/ Delphine DELRUE, winners of our 2019 edition, during this championship not without difficulty for the first set (21-19/21-10). They were facing Fabien DELRUE, Delphine's brother, and Vimala HERIAU
A nice podium finish to the 2023 French badminton championships. See you next February 14-18 to see some of them compete in the European Mixed Team Championships in Aire-sur-la-Lys and win the gold medal!