The third day of competition at the Sports hall once again offered a superb show. And the numerous Frenchmen, at the appointment of the quarter-finals in the morning, preserved their chances to finally win the OIC in women's doubles and men's singles thanks to Delphine Delrue/Léa Palermo and Lucas Corvée.
The curse is about to be broken !
We have never been so close to see tricolors triumph at the Orleans International Challenge. After the superb day of Thursday which will have seen the French shine, this Friday will not have derogated from the rule. So Emilie Lefel did well in mixed, as did the Lefel/Tran double ladies and Lucas Claerbout in singles. But the French contingent in the semi-final was such that it was impossible not to see bruises in the final.
The first to qualify for the final match was Lucas Corvée. Against his Brazilian training partner Y. Coelho, the Normandy native did not attack the match from the right end. But physically cooler, he gradually gained the upper hand before cracking his opponent on the brink of collapse. In a superb atmosphere, Corvée won its first final in Orleans. Soon imitated by the double ladies Delphine Delrue / Léa Palermo imperial in the semi-final against the German Konon / Ostermeyer.
As a good omen for the tricolor as the winners of this table had lost in the final the previous year !
The French will be absent from the other finals this afternoon. But the confrontations are still very interesting. With first of all, the double men who will confront the Indonesian qualifiers Haryanto/Isfahani to the Taiwanese Chun/Su. In women's singles, we will have to follow the opposition of style between the Malaysian nugget Ying Ying Lee, vice-world champion 2015. And the Scottish vice-champion of Europe Kirsty Gilmour.
The first final will pit the German Herttrich/Lamsfuss against the Taiwanese Chang/Chang.